Tuesday, May 3, 2005

New reviews

New reviews (found at http://www.com.washington.edu/rccs/) include:

Islam in the Digital Age: E-Jihad, Online Fatwas, and Cyber Islamic Environments, by Gary R. Bunt (Pluto Press, 2003)

Reviewed by Alan Sondheim, author of Being on Line: Net Subjectivity (Lusitania, 1996), Disorders of the Real (Station Hill, 1988), .echo (alt-X digital arts, 2001), Vel (Blazevox, 2004-5), Sophia (Writers Forum, 2004) and The Wayward (Salt, 2004).

Reviewed by Robert Tynes, adjunct faculty member at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency, by Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala (MIT Press, 2003)

Reviewed by Richard Holeton, head of Residential Computing at Stanford University, author of Figurski at Findhorn on Acid (Eastgate Systems, 2001) and Composing Cyberspace: Identity, Community, and Knowledge in the Electronic Age (McGraw-Hill, 1998).

E-Commerce and Cultural Values, edited by Theerasak Thanasankit (Idea Group Publishing, 2003)

Reviewed by Kirk St.Amant, assistant professor of technical communication at Texas Tech University.

In the current issue of TEKKA, you'll find reviews of:

Hello World by Sue Thomas (Raw Nerve Books, 2004) - reviewed by Greg Beatty

The Cinema Effect by Sean Cubitt (MIT Press, 2004) - reviewed by Adrian Miles

White graphics: the power of white in graphic design by Gail Deibler Finke

(Rockport Publishers Inc, 2001)- reviewed by Brandon Barr

In TEKKA 5, George Landow reviews Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency, by Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala (MIT Press, 2003).